Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Call for Promos

A few weeks ago, I made a call for a new promo for GreatHites and The Greatest Hites Anthology Volume I. I asked, begged and implored you to come up with ways that GreatHites had inspired, cajoled, shamed, or tortured you into writing.

We had to call out the Secret Council of three and the Dark load Hite has had to make his will known to all, but in the end we have gotten some very good material. Please keep it coming. Thank to all of you who had helped. I will be posting the promos shortly, on GreatHites and I will be sending them out to other podcasts soon. If you have a podcast and would like to help promote GreatHites or the new anthology, please let me know and I will make sure you get one of these new Promos.

In the mean time the Secret council of three (you will know them by their black cloaks) will be among you. Dragging you in front of your microphones to get your own ideas on promoting the new anthology.

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