Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Great Hites spurs other writing

Once long ago a boy had a dream. That dream was to inspire people to write great stories. Long ago this boy was me and really the people I hoped to inspire were mostly me.

When I started Greathites I hoped that I would inspire some people to come join me in writing, if not great stories, then at least write interesting ones. I think I have been able to do that. Recently it has come to my attention that GreatHites has helped people go a step further and I could not be happier. a couple of people have found GreatHites and sites like it the 100 word story contest to be low risk places to jump start their writing. Or a place to test ideas for their much larger stories.

I cannot explain how happy this makes me. I also don't think that I deserve any of the credit. I hope that you, all of you, who read and listen to the stories every week, and those of you who write stories every week, know that you deserve the credit. It is you and that have made GreatHites what it is, a great place to write a story that is both challenging and accepting. So I ask all of you to tell people you know about the great things that are happening here, and of course keep writing.

I have once before credited Mur Laferty (Ms. Laferty to her friends) and ISBW for jump starting my writing, and it would not be fair to not do so again. But I hope I (really not me but GreatHites and all of you) can return the favor by helping others who feel that crazy siren song calling them to write, to go the next step and put it out there for other people to read. Because writing for the sake of writing is all well and good, but even if you don't intend to make it your career, you should at least share your creations with others.

There have been some changes recently including the addition of a steering committee guest hosts and anthology that I hope will not change atmosphere, instead improve it making this more of a community effort. And I hope that our community will grow to the point that will will have to make some hard decisions about how we present all the stories we get each week, and that I am forced move the stories onto a remote web server, but for now I am happy.

Thank all of you for helping a little boys dream come true and making it so much more.

Now get out there and write!

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