Friday, May 15, 2009

Great Hites Anthology Reasons and Rules

What follows are the rules for the Great Hites Anthology, and the reasoning behind it.

Here is the basic story for this. After the last year GreatHites has gone from being a lonely one man show to what it is you see today. For that I am very, very grateful. But, it is not enough for me. The stories that show up every week in my mailbox beg me to give them more. (Really you should hear them whining.)

In all honesty, they deserve more. You as their writers deserve more. So I have been banging my head against the wall for the past few months for ways that I as a podcaster could give you more. The biggest hurdle to this is that I have no budget for Greathites. That is why the downloads are slow, that is why I don't have a better microphone, that is why I don't have my own domain name.

This is not, however, a pity party for Jeff. I still want to give you guys more. This was the first and best viable option that I have come up with.

The second biggest huddle is Creative Commons License, specifically, the noncommercial part. So I can't make any money on your stories. Really I don't want to, I want you to. So I think this is a happy medium. I want you to know that I will not be making any money on your stories, all the donations, every cent will be divided up accordingly and given back to you, the writers as it should be. I don't think that you will find that kind of a deal anywhere else in the publishing industry. But this is as it should be, these are your stories any money made from them should go back to you.

Just a note on expectations. Mur Laferty said about a year ago on ISBW, that her monthly notations on all her projects basically add to up to beer money. I just don't want you to think you are going to get rich here.

Here is what I am trying to accomplish with this:

1. To get you (the really great writers) a wider audience.

We (GratHites) are getting there slowly but I want these great stories to be shared by lots of people. Podiobooks has that audience.

2. To be able to give something back to you.

Podiobooks does give the reader the ability to donate. I could put a donate button on the GreatHites site, and I still may. There are two major problems with that, first of all, it would probably just be the authors who donated and then that would be you paying you, and that seems wrong. Second, again with the bigger audience thing.

So here are the rules:

1. If you win in the voting your story will be re-published, uncut and unedited in an anthology to appear on podiobooks.
A, In the case of a tie the GreatHties steering committee, Known as the Secret council of three, will determine the winner or winners.

2. You will get a % of the donations that come from podiobooks based on the number of stories in the collection, and the number of stories you have in that collection. The donations will not distributed until the book is complete and then on a monthly basis after that.

3. You have the right to withhold permission to republish the story, after all it is your story so if you would prefer that we don't publish it please let me know.
A. In the case that you decide to withhold permission the runner up will take your place.

4. Once the winner has been announced you have two weeks to resubmit the story with any edits or re-recording that you would like to do. If you are going to need longer than that please let us know ahead of time.

Please feel free to e-mail, tweet, or leave a comment if you have any questions or concerns. I will do my best to address them.



Krista Heiser said...

Is this for stories yet to be written or the last year's worth of material?

I'm in if my one win counts.

Yes, I plan on participating in the future, but you know how time gets away from you sometimes!

Jeffrey Hite said...

Krista, I would love to be able to include things from the past, and maybe I will in the next one I do. For now, The current anthology is going to cover only stories written in the next 20 weeks. I look forward to getting more stories from you. You are a very popular writer when you submit. Thanks for the question. I hope that the answer does not disappoint you too much. Good luck!

Krista Heiser said...

20 weeks. I should be able to fit a short story or two into my schedule over the summer months.
