Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Big Questions

In this episode I talk about The Adventures of Indiana Jim and the Geek Survival Guide both are worth your time.

So I am going to ask the big questions, and hope and pray that I get some answers.

Yes, I know the answer is 42

Yes, I know that is not god behind the great barrier. That guy just needs a starship, and a life. And that James T. Kirk will only die when he is alone, or close to it. Don't eat too many mashmellons. That you need your pain.

Oh and

Yes, I know that Firefly will probably never come back.

Yes, I know that my freeze ray takes some time to warm up so I should hide under a cover, looking like a statue while it warms up.

Okay, okay, okay! Enough already. So my questions are not that big. But I do think that they are important.

So here we go:

1. I think that we have here at GreatHites some incredibly talented authors. And I am not talking about myself, instead talking about such people as Anima, Guy, Norval, Laurence, Justin, Peter, Robert, Joseph, and our newest member Krista, I know you have not read her story yet, because I have not posted it yet, but I have and it is Fantastic.
Because these people write such wonderful stuff, I really want more people to read it so, I am asking you, what you think the best way to promote GreatHites would be? These people need to be recognized, and I want them to be so your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

2. Feed Back... How do I get some? I mean other than begging and pleading, becuase I won't do that... Okay, yes I will Please, please, please, please leave your feed back about the stories. I don't have a feed back line, but feel free to record your feed back and e-mail it to. leave a comment on this site or the greathites site. Send me a text e-mail. I know as one of the authors, the authors would love some feedback. Besides I am getting lonely out there in cyberspace.

3. What can I do to make GreatHites better? I am open to any and or all suggestions. More Music, less music, more talking, less talking more promos, less well you get the point. If you want something added or taken away let me know. I know one of the areas of contention has been having Alex read the stories that I don't get recordings for. I am open to other suggestions. For example if you would like to do readings for me that would be really cool. I would do them but you have no idea how long it takes me to get though my own stuff. I stutter and stammer so much it usually take me nearly three times as long as the story to get the recording and then editing is a nightmare so...

4 Should I shift from a weekly podcast, to maybe a monthly thing?

The long and short of this is that I want GreatHites to be one of the best short story podcasts out there. I think you folks who write for this Podcast deserve nothing less. Please help me to do that.

So leave a comment, send me an e-mail text or audio comment, just please let me know what you are thinking, and I will do my best to make this a better show.

Download TH #5


Anonymous said...

Being fairly new to the 'podisphere' I really don't know how to promote a site, other than consistency and persistence. I have joined a lot of sites that are dead. They had something great going, and then just faded away. The 100 word story marches on, I think, because of momentum. It is a good challenge and he keeps it going.

Mur Lafferty points out that if you want to become a writer, you need to write every day.....or at least consistently. I am a procrastinator and put of writing and recording until the last minute. If this site went to once a month, I would be writing that much less. (And as a three month old writer, that would singnal the end of my momentum.) I like your site....the stories are the right length to delvelope an idea, begin something that can grow, or complete something small.

As I have mentioned before, I am willing to try recording other peoples stories. (I also have difficulty listening to Alex's voice/diction.) If I was to record someones story, I would need to have it by Sunday, at the latest,,,,since I am already procrastinating the recording of my own story.

Just some thoughts......


Krista Heiser said...

Hmmm...well, ask your writers and listeners to put a graphic/link on their website/blog/livejournal/facebook. You get the idea!

I'd be happy to post a little graphic in my sidebar. Key word there on "little". You'll notice most of the graphic links in my sidebar are on the small side. :-)

Oh, and I vote for once a week! Not that I'll be able to provide a story for each week, but because I'd like to be able to and this gives me incentive.

P.S. Thanks for the Fabulous. You're sweet! And so is your wife for being kind enough to record it for me!

Jeffrey Hite said...

Thank you, both of you for your feedback.

Krista - I will e-mail you the code for a tiny little greathties logo. If anyone else wants when let me know I and I will do the same. And by the way, you are welcome for the fabulous.

Norval - thank you for the recording offer. I may be taking you up on that in the future. I know I have a couple of people that have said they liked writing but didn't want to record.

I am getting ready to work on a new promo that will be passing around to everyone I know. I have an idea, but if you have ideas about a promotional idea I would gladly take it. Thanks.